Registration through the website of the Karate Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The competitions is the three categories of “yellow and orange”-“green and blue and purple”-“brown, and black”
Competitions are held in six age categories of “children – toddlers - teenagers - youth – adults and veterans
Age conditions of competitions
Children(A |
Born in 2016 and 2015 |
5 and 6 years old |
children(B |
Born in 2014 and 2013 |
7 and 8 years old |
toddlers(A |
Born in 2012 and 2011 |
10 and 9 years old |
toddlers(B |
Born in 2010 and 2009 |
11 and 12 years old |
Teenagers |
Born in 2008 and 2007 |
14 and 13 years old |
youth |
Born in 2006 , 2005 and 2004 |
17, 16 and 15 years old |
adults |
Born in 1986 to 2003 |
Veterans are born in 1985 and before 1985 |
so the kata in each must also be appropriate to that category of belt andis also included in the championship rulings of the belt category.
Teams are required to send the names of the participants through WhatsApp till Sunday, February 28, 2021.
- Respected athletes that participate in the competitions must have their full karate uniform and with Islamic hijab and in a suitable space where there’s no need to relocate while performing.
-Video Submissions must have a good quality and for a maximum of 2 minutes and with a volume of less than 20 MB should be taken horizontally in front of the athlete without the camera shaking (the camera should be stil and without movements)
- Kata and Kihon films must be sent no later than 24 hours on Thursday, March 4, 2021
-The kumite techniques should be sent to 09183369488 on WhatsApp no later than 24 hours in Thursday, March 4, 2021
-The performance of kata must start with Rey and end with Rey according to the rules of the Karate Federation. Also, the name of the kata should be very clear and distinct
-only the sound of the athlete should be heard, away from other sounds.
-Any change in the film (editing) will remove the player from the competition
-first name, last name, country and the name of the coach of the athlete should be mentioned in the video by the athlete.
Ali Asghar pourebrahim
Chief of The Shotokan F.S.K iran
Tell: +989124212251 Email:
Tehran- Mirdamad square-Madar Square -Shahid Kazemi Square -Shahid Keshvari Sports Complex of the Karate Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran
ریاست سبک
دبیر سبک
استان تهران
بانوان: سنسی مرجان پیوند حیدری
استان اصفهان
استان آذربایجان شرقی
آقایان: سنسی دکتر احمد جاهد خطیب
استان اردبیل
آقایان: سنسی علی حیدری
استان قزوین
استان خراسان رضوی
استان سیستان و بلوچستان
استان کرمان
استان کردستان
استان کرمانشاه
استان مازندران
استان گیلان
استان کهگیلویه و بویر احمد
آقایان: سنسی روح الله عادل پور
نماینده بانوان غرب کشور
رقابتهای انتخابی تیم شوتوکان FSKایران در لیگ برتر اقایان سال ۱۳۹۹، در دو مرحله روزهای جمعه ۱۹ و 26 دیماه ۱۳۹۹ در استان تهران برگزار و نفرات ذیل جهت حضور در مسابقات انتخاب شدند.
وزن ٥٥- جوانان
١- علی زینلی
٢- امیرحسین حسننیا
وزن ٦١- جوانان
١- شهرام جوانمیری
٢- امیرحسین باجلان
وزن ٦٨+ جوانان
١- علی وهابی
٢- محمدرضا زمانی
وزن ٦٧- امید و بزرگسال
١- رضا صدیقی
٢- حسین ایوبی
٣- پوریا یزدی فولادی
وزن ٧٥- امید و بزرگسال
١- امیرحسین زینلی
کمکی: مهدی بابایی
وزن ٧٥+ امید و بزرگسال
١- سجاد محمدی
کمکی: مهدی بابایی
وزن ٦٨- جوانان
١- علی شیخی
٢- مهدی رضازاده
Virtual League last week announced the results of kata men
.The first to third teams of the first round of the Iranian Kata Virtual League were determined
:Groups of teenagers and toddlers ages for men
Shotokan FSK with 44 team points, 9 leads and 362.22 individual points
Hagh Nazari Cultural and Sports Club with 43 team points, 9 leaders and 365.72 individual points
Kerman Copper Industry with 33 team points and 364.76 individual points
Hazrat Masoumeh Cultural and Sports Club with 21 team points and 290.56 individual points
Maziar with 4 team points and 61.54 individual points
team of Halmsted Sweden Club
The names of the technical staff and members of the Shotokan team
Sheihan Ali Asghar PourEbrahim: Head of Style and Supervisor
Sensei Hossein Parsi: Coach
Sensei Gholamreza PourEbrahim: Coach
Shaygan Esfandiari
Berdia Waqar
Morteza Pargar